Edible Plant Species

Athamanta cervariaefolia DC. Umbelliferae. SPIGNEL.
Teneriffe Islands.
The root is said to be eaten.

A. cretensis Linn. CANDY CARROT.
Southern Europe.
An agreeable liquor is made from the seeds.

A. matthioli Wulf.
Southeastern Europe.
The plant has an edible root.

Atherosperma moschatum Labill. Monimiaceae Atherospermataceae. TASMANIAN SASSAFRAS TREE.
Its aromatic bark has been, used as a substitute for tea.

Atriplex halimus Linn. Chenopodiaceae. SEA ORACH.
A plant of the seashores of Europe and the Mediterranean countries and salines as far as Siberia.
Sea orach is one of the few indigenous plants of Egypt that affords sustenance to man. It is mentioned by Antipharues as esculent; by Dioscorides as cooked and eaten; by Toumefort as eaten in Greece. The men of the Euphrates expedition often used this species as a culinary vegetable.

Orach has long been used as a kitchen vegetable in Europe. It was known to the ancient Greeks under the name of atraphaxis and Dioscorides writes that it was eaten boiled. It was known to the Romans under the name of atriplex. Orach was introduced into English gardens in 1548 and was long used, as it still is, in many countries to correct the acidity and the green color of sorrel. It is grown in three varieties.

Orach was known to Turner in England in 1538, who calls it areche, or red oreche. In 1686, Ray mentions the white and red, as mentioned by Gerarde in 1597. In 1623, Bauhin mentions the red, the white and the dark green. In 1806, three kinds are named by McMahon as in American gardens.

Attalea cohune Mart. Palmae. COHUNE PALM.
The tree bears a fruit, about the size of a large egg, growing in clusters resembling a bunch of grapes. The kernel tastes somewhat like that of the cocoanut but is far more oleaginous and the oil is superior.

A. compta Mart.
The seed-vessels are eaten as a delicacy.

A. excelsa Mart. URUCURI PALM.
Amazon region.
Batesn says the fruit is similar in size and shape to the date and has a pleasantly flavored, juicy pulp. The Indians did not eat it but he did, although its wholesomeness was questionable.

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