Z - Zoological Terms

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zoecium, zooecium

(Gr. zoon, animal, + oikos, house). Cuticular sheath or shell of Ectoprocta.


(Gr. zoon, life, + Chlorella). Any of various minute green algae (usually Chlorella) that live symbiotically within the cytoplasm of some protozoa and other invertebrates.


Members of the Zoomastigophora, the animal-like flagellates (phylum Sarcomastigophora).


(Gr. zoon, life). An individual member of a colony of animals, such as colonial cnidarians and ectoprocts.


(Gr. zoon, animal, + xanthos, yellow). A minute dinoflagellate alga living in the tissues of many types of marine invertebrates.


(Gr. zygotos, yoked). The fertilized egg.

zygotic meiosis

Meiosis that takes place within the first few divisions after zygote formation; thus all stages in the life cycle other than the zygote are haploid.

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