Problems of Aquatic and Aerial Breathing

Problems of Aquatic and Aerial Breathing
How an animal respires is determined largely by the nature of its environment. The two great arenas of animal evolution—water and land—are vastly different in their physical characteristics. The most obvious difference is that air contains far more oxygen—at least 20 times more—than does water. For example, water at 5° C (41° F) fully saturated with air contains approximately 9 ml of oxygen per liter (0.9%); by comparison air contains 209 ml of oxygen per 1000 ml (21%). The density and viscosity of water are approximately 800 and 50 times greater, respectively, than that of air. Furthermore, gas molecules diffuse 10,000 times more rapidly in air than in water. These differences mean that aquatic animals must have evolved very efficient ways of removing oxygen from water. Yet even the most advanced fishes with highly efficient gills and pumping mechanisms may use as much as 20% of their energy just extracting oxygen from water. By comparison, the cost for mammals to breathe is only 1% to 2% of their resting metabolism.

Respiratory surfaces must be thin and always kept wet with a fine film of fluid to allow diffusion of gases across an aqueous phase between the environment and the underlying circulation. This is hardly a problem for aquatic animals, immersed as they are in water, but it is a challenge for air breathers. To keep respiratory membranes moist and protected from injury, air breathers have in general developed invaginations of the body surface and then added pumping mechanisms to move air in and out of the body. The lung is the best example of a successful solution to breathing on land. In general evaginations of the body surface, such as gills, are most suitable for aquatic respiration; invaginations, such as lungs and tracheae, are best for air breathing. We now consider the specific kinds of respiratory organs employed by animals.