Management of Metabolism

Management of Metabolism
Enzyme regulation. A, The active site of an enzyme may only loosely fit its substrate in the absence of an activator. B, With the regulatory site of the enzyme occupied by an activator, the enzyme binds the substrate, and the site becomes catalytically active.
Figure 4-19 Enzyme
regulation. A, The active site
of an enzyme may only
loosely fit its substrate in the
absence of an activator. B,
With the regulatory site of
the enzyme occupied by an
activator, the enzyme binds
the substrate, and the site
becomes catalytically active.
The complex pattern of enzymatic reactions that constitutes metabolism cannot be explained entirely in terms of physicochemical laws or chance happenings. Although some enzymes do indeed “flow with the tide,” the activity of others is rigidly controlled. In the former case, suppose the function of an enzyme is to convert A to B. If B is removed by conversion into another compound, the enzyme will tend to restore the original ratio of B to A. Since many enzymes act reversibly, either synthesis or degradation may result. For example, an excess of an intermediate in the Krebs cycle would result in its contribution to glycogen synthesis; a depletion of such a metabolite would lead to glycogen breakdown. This automatic compensation (equilibration) is not, however, sufficient to explain all that actually takes place in an organism, as for example, what happens at branch points in a metabolic pathway.

Mechanisms exist for critically regulating enzymes in both quantity and activity. In bacteria, genes leading to synthesis of an enzyme are switched on or off, depending on the presence or absence of a substrate molecule. In this way the quantity of an enzyme is controlled. It is a relatively slow process.

Mechanisms that alter activity of enzymes can quickly and finely adjust metabolic pathways to changing conditions in a cell. The presence or increase in concentration of some molecules can alter the shape (conformation) of particular enzymes, thus activating or inhibiting the enzyme (Figure 4-19). For example, phosphofructokinase, which catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-1, 6-diphosphate (Figure 4-15), is inhibited by high concentrations of ATP or citric acid. Their presence means that a sufficient amount of precursors has reached the Krebs cycle and additional glucose is not needed.

Mechanisms that alter activity of enzymes can quickly and finely adjust metabolic pathways to changing conditions in a cell. The presence or increase in concentration of some molecules can alter the shape (conformation) of particular enzymes, thus activating or inhibiting the enzyme (Figure 4-19). For example, phosphofructokinase, which catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-1, 6-diphosphate (Figure 4-15), is inhibited by high concentrations of ATP or citric acid. Their presence means that a sufficient amount of precursors has reached the Krebs cycle and additional glucose is not needed.

As well as being subject to alteration in physical shape, many enzymes exist in both an active and an inactive form. These forms may be chemically different. Enzymes that degrade glycogen (phosphorylase) and synthesize it (synthase) are examples. Conditions that activate phosphorylase tend to inactivate synthase and vice versa.

Many cases of enzyme regulation are known, but these selected examples must suffice to illustrate the importance of enzyme regulation in the integration of metabolism.