Aerobic Versus Anaerobic Metabolism

Ultimately, the electrons are transferred to a final electron acceptor. The nature of this final acceptor is the key that determines the overall efficiency of cellular metabolism. Heterotrophs (organisms that cannot synthesize their own food but must obtain nutrients from the environment, including animals, fungi, and many singlecelled organisms) can be divided into two groups: aerobes, those that use molecular oxygen as the final electron acceptor, and anaerobes, those that employ some other molecule as the final electron acceptor.

As discussed in The Origin and Chemistry of Life, life originated in the absence of oxygen, and the abundance of atmospheric oxygen was produced after photosynthetic organisms (autotrophs) evolved. Some strictly anaerobic organisms still exist and indeed play some important roles in specialized habitats. However, evolution has favored aerobic metabolism, not only because oxygen became available, but also because aerobic metabolism is vastly more efficient than anaerobic metabolism. In the absence of oxygen, only a very small fraction of the bond energy present in foodstuffs can be released. For example, when an anaerobic microorganism degrades glucose, the final electron acceptor (such as pyruvic acid) still contains most of the energy of the original glucose molecule. An aerobic organism on the other hand, using oxygen as the final electron acceptor, can completely oxidize glucose to carbon dioxide and water. Almost 20 times as much energy is released when glucose is completely oxidized as when it is degraded only to the stage of pyruvic acid. An obvious advantage of aerobic metabolism is that a much smaller quantity of foodstuffs is required to maintain a given rate of metabolism.